
Hostile colleague

I recently started a job where everything is very chaotic and disorganised. They've had several people leave recently and are struggling to get replacements in because the work requires certain clearances that can take months to complete. There's been no proper training or expectation-setting for me, and the manager has basically said I'll just have to hang in there for a few months until things settle down for them. All this is frustrating for me, but I would probably be willing to hang in there if it wasn't for one particular colleague. This person is trying to get promoted to one of the vacant roles, and they are doing this by working longer hours, coming in on weekends, and more or less doing the work of three people. At the same time they are constantly bad tempered and hostile, and every day they throw what I can only describe as…

I recently started a job where everything is very chaotic and disorganised. They've had several people leave recently and are struggling to get replacements in because the work requires certain clearances that can take months to complete. There's been no proper training or expectation-setting for me, and the manager has basically said I'll just have to hang in there for a few months until things settle down for them.

All this is frustrating for me, but I would probably be willing to hang in there if it wasn't for one particular colleague. This person is trying to get promoted to one of the vacant roles, and they are doing this by working longer hours, coming in on weekends, and more or less doing the work of three people. At the same time they are constantly bad tempered and hostile, and every day they throw what I can only describe as tantrums over minor issues – sometimes this involves shouting, swearing and punching their desk.

In my first week there this person repeatedly refused to train me, saying they were too busy and it wasn't their problem. Then in the second week they started picking fault with my work, saying I was making too many mistakes … etc. I don't feel they are specifically targeting me because they seem generally hostile towards everyone, but because I'm new I have to ask a lot of questions and they are the only person who tends to know the answers. I should add that I have also seen this person tell off the manager, who just seems to put up with it because they are so reliant on this person.

A lot of people there can see this person acts unreasonably, but there's a tendency to make excuses for their behaviour, saying that it's a difficult time and they have a lot on their plate. Because of all this I haven't bothered to raise any complaints about them with the manager or anyone else, and am instead looking for another job.

I'm concerned though that maybe my expectations at work aren't realistic. Am I over-reacting to these tantrums and letting just one person drive me out of what could otherwise be a good opportunity? I'm worried because I also left my previous job after less than a year, and looking back now I can see that the environment there was nowhere near as bad as this one. I have previously held jobs for 4-5 years at a time, so it's not like I've constantly job hopped, but I'm wondering if maybe I just need to be more resilient and put up with this colleague.

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