
It took me 50 applications to get one interview

If I hear “no one wants to work” ever again, I'm gonna go ballistic. Two months of applying for jobs, writing up cover letters and letters of interest, sending out emails to follow-up on applications. No one ever communicates back, never even to let you know they received anything. I'm glad someone finally responded so I don't feel like I've just been chucking my information into the void over and over again, but man. The whole process is so dehumanizing.

If I hear “no one wants to work” ever again, I'm gonna go ballistic. Two months of applying for jobs, writing up cover letters and letters of interest, sending out emails to follow-up on applications. No one ever communicates back, never even to let you know they received anything.

I'm glad someone finally responded so I don't feel like I've just been chucking my information into the void over and over again, but man. The whole process is so dehumanizing.

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