
How are people suck bad managers/bosses?

So I'm a mid level manager (granted not in retail or similar), but Ive had a loooootof bosses over my years in various industries. I can't understand how how people can be such dicks to other people. ​ If someone calls in, no problem use your sick days.. we'll cover In fact everyone make sure you use all your sick days every year, sick or not. It's part of your compensation. Late? Just don't make it a pattern. Need to leave early, come in late? OK, just make sure you take care of everything. Mistake on the job? Shit happens. Let's find a solution as quick as possible and put in to place a system where it doesn't happen again. Customer complaint? See above. Big boss has idiot idea that just causes more work? Look, here's why that might not work on the floor. The list goes on. ​ Now…

So I'm a mid level manager (granted not in retail or similar), but Ive had a loooootof bosses over my years in various industries. I can't understand how how people can be such dicks to other people.

If someone calls in, no problem use your sick days.. we'll cover In fact everyone make sure you use all your sick days every year, sick or not. It's part of your compensation.

Late? Just don't make it a pattern.

Need to leave early, come in late? OK, just make sure you take care of everything.

Mistake on the job? Shit happens. Let's find a solution as quick as possible and put in to place a system where it doesn't happen again.

Customer complaint? See above.

Big boss has idiot idea that just causes more work? Look, here's why that might not work on the floor.

The list goes on.

Now that I have some experience “in the middle”, I can't understand how people can just be total asshole bosses. I couldn't go to work everyday if I was just a company jerk.

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