
Being forced to work in the office with no internet

Title. I’ve been working from a phone hotspot for the last 6 months. Usually about halfway through the month, I run out of data. 50-60% of my job role involves documentation/internet connection. I began making a fuss about this last month and was told “slow or no internet is not a reason for you to work from home”. I asked if they would pay me overtime to do the work at home and they said no. This is a salaried position. I start work in a few hours and I already know I will have no internet because I got a text saying I have used 100% of my hotspot data. I’m almost considering using my sick time simply because sitting there with no wifi just seems so pointless, yet they won’t budge on letting me go home. Gotta please the capitalistic overlords with the appearance for working!

Title. I’ve been working from a phone hotspot for the last 6 months. Usually about halfway through the month, I run out of data. 50-60% of my job role involves documentation/internet connection. I began making a fuss about this last month and was told “slow or no internet is not a reason for you to work from home”. I asked if they would pay me overtime to do the work at home and they said no. This is a salaried position.

I start work in a few hours and I already know I will have no internet because I got a text saying I have used 100% of my hotspot data. I’m almost considering using my sick time simply because sitting there with no wifi just seems so pointless, yet they won’t budge on letting me go home. Gotta please the capitalistic overlords with the appearance for working!

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