
Reported harassment, work hired outside firm to investigate. Should I get a lawyer?

Hey y'all. I work at a small university as a DEI & Administrative Coordinator. I put in my 2 weeks in a letter that explained: 1) both positions are too much for one person, 2) I've dealt with sexual harassment, transphobia, and anti-veteran discrimination since day one, 3) my mental health is suffering. I said these things to try to bargain, like I'd stick around if they let me work remote. I gave it to my boss, who is the HR director, and now she's hiring an outside firm to investigate all my claims because she considers my notice to be a report on harassment. I caved when I went in to ask about rewriting the terms of my employment and gave up the names of the school president, the dean, and the CFO. I'm still content to just leave that toxic environment, wish I had an empowering quitting story…

Hey y'all. I work at a small university as a DEI & Administrative Coordinator. I put in my 2 weeks in a letter that explained: 1) both positions are too much for one person, 2) I've dealt with sexual harassment, transphobia, and anti-veteran discrimination since day one, 3) my mental health is suffering. I said these things to try to bargain, like I'd stick around if they let me work remote. I gave it to my boss, who is the HR director, and now she's hiring an outside firm to investigate all my claims because she considers my notice to be a report on harassment. I caved when I went in to ask about rewriting the terms of my employment and gave up the names of the school president, the dean, and the CFO.
I'm still content to just leave that toxic environment, wish I had an empowering quitting story instead, though now I'm working remote in the interim like I asked. I just told my boss that I'm going to work remotely during the investigation, didn't ask. She replied by saying they hired an outside firm to conduct the investigation. This whole thing gets more agonizing every day. Should I get a lawyer at this point?

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