
Working a man to death just because

I have nowhere else to really vent this so sorry if this isn’t quite the right space for it. I recently left an incredibly toxic company. I was on a promotional track and well liked all around but it was just too much. Constant vile accusations and finger pointing, receiving urgent calls at all hours over self-inflicted issues caused by purposeful understaffing, nasty/mean people, yelling, nepotism, shady stuff, the whole gamut. Deep down I did wonder if I was just bad at handling the stress or my ADHD was making it such that I couldn’t stay and have silently carried that thought with me…until now. Now I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the issue. I just found out that the old boss I left behind is about to resign by order of his doctor. Why? The stress of above-mentioned conditions has caused him to develop heart issues and the doctor has…

I have nowhere else to really vent this so sorry if this isn’t quite the right space for it.

I recently left an incredibly toxic company. I was on a promotional track and well liked all around but it was just too much. Constant vile accusations and finger pointing, receiving urgent calls at all hours over self-inflicted issues caused by purposeful understaffing, nasty/mean people, yelling, nepotism, shady stuff, the whole gamut. Deep down I did wonder if I was just bad at handling the stress or my ADHD was making it such that I couldn’t stay and have silently carried that thought with me…until now. Now I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the issue.

I just found out that the old boss I left behind is about to resign by order of his doctor. Why? The stress of above-mentioned conditions has caused him to develop heart issues and the doctor has advised that a stroke and/or death is imminent if he doesn’t skeedaddle ASAP. His boss claims that his “contract” requires a 60 day notice period. Reader, this is in good ol’ USA in a right to work state. We don’t have contracts and he is bound by nothing. He could leave today. They just want to kill the man for the sake of coverage so they can keep running a skeleton crew. Absolute psychopathic behavior. We as a society really need to revamp our labor laws and hold companies accountable that work their employees into the grave.

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