
Is this covered by the union?

My friend works a job protected by the union and made full time about a year and a half ago. They’ve also started a long-ish distance relationship (6 hour drive) about a year ago. This has resulted in them using all their extra PTO sick time, etc, to take extended weekends off to visit, about 1-2 times a month. They’ve already used their vacation time this year, so now for the rest of the year they’ll have to just call out if they keep it up. Their boss is a whiny ahole who has been threatening to try and get them fired for a few months now for the call-outs, but can’t because they’re following their contract. The situation has changed now though. Partner’s father is sick, and they’re taking time off to be supportive while he’s in the hospital. Is there a limit to how much the union will…

My friend works a job protected by the union and made full time about a year and a half ago. They’ve also started a long-ish distance relationship (6 hour drive) about a year ago. This has resulted in them using all their extra PTO sick time, etc, to take extended weekends off to visit, about 1-2 times a month. They’ve already used their vacation time this year, so now for the rest of the year they’ll have to just call out if they keep it up. Their boss is a whiny ahole who has been threatening to try and get them fired for a few months now for the call-outs, but can’t because they’re following their contract. The situation has changed now though. Partner’s father is sick, and they’re taking time off to be supportive while he’s in the hospital. Is there a limit to how much the union will go to protect them? (Friend has only been in this relationship for a year, not living together, not currently engaged but thinks this will happen in a year or two). I’m all for using up every last PTO but I’m worried they’ll end up fired if they keep this up. Entire friend group is worried but they keep saying you’ve got to invest time and effort if you want a real relationship to work, even at the expense of a job.

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