
I feel bad about leaving a high paying corporate job that was making me suicidal.

It actually happened by accident. I thought I had something lined up and it fell through. I have a few months of savings to go off of. A part of me feels I should’ve kept it. I’m beating myself up about it in a way. I had a long commute mixed with old fashion, older, very micromanaging office workers. I feel like I shouldn’t feel bad for doing this but I feel pressure to not do this and to have things better figured out. I guess I’m kinda just venting. I feel like shit but this had to be done at some point. A part of me feels relief and a part of me feels like failure. I’m going to be unemployed for a few months but I guess that’s better than being suicidal.

It actually happened by accident. I thought I had something lined up and it fell through. I have a few months of savings to go off of. A part of me feels I should’ve kept it. I’m beating myself up about it in a way. I had a long commute mixed with old fashion, older, very micromanaging office workers. I feel like I shouldn’t feel bad for doing this but I feel pressure to not do this and to have things better figured out. I guess I’m kinda just venting. I feel like shit but this had to be done at some point. A part of me feels relief and a part of me feels like failure. I’m going to be unemployed for a few months but I guess that’s better than being suicidal.

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