
Big boss promised I could move departments and recieve a raise 4 months ago, but direct supervisor is actively sabotaging

I work in grocery and helped out a very small department when hours got cut at the beginning of the year. I ended up being so good at the job that the supervisor insisted I replace her assistant. I feel that the position is perfect for me because I'm autistic and I love this specific kind of work that involves tagging. It's like a constant scavenger hunt mixed with “puzzles”. Whereas my current position is in deli, where the constant interaction with so many people is slowly killing me, along with my terrible supervisor who treats me like dirt. I've been here 3 years now. We've lost most of the people in my department this year and they aren't going to be replaced. If they were, it would have already happened. My mental state is getting worse and worse. I feel myself withering away. In order to move, I'm supposed…

I work in grocery and helped out a very small department when hours got cut at the beginning of the year. I ended up being so good at the job that the supervisor insisted I replace her assistant. I feel that the position is perfect for me because I'm autistic and I love this specific kind of work that involves tagging. It's like a constant scavenger hunt mixed with “puzzles”. Whereas my current position is in deli, where the constant interaction with so many people is slowly killing me, along with my terrible supervisor who treats me like dirt. I've been here 3 years now. We've lost most of the people in my department this year and they aren't going to be replaced. If they were, it would have already happened.

My mental state is getting worse and worse. I feel myself withering away.

In order to move, I'm supposed to be replaced first. I train my replacement, then move departments. Then, the current assistant trains me and gets her promotion in another department. We were both offered these promotions/raises 4 months ago. We've just been waiting on my replacement to finally move the dominoes.

However, I feel that my direct supervisor is sabotaging me. I'm one of the last remaining work horses. I've been around long enough to know how to do everything. She treats me horribly. It wears me down so much. About a month ago I overheard her telling a customer who was interested in my exact position, who had prior experience, that she wasn't hiring anyone. I told Big Boss, and he seemed mad and said I would be on the next schedule regardless if she liked it or not. But I think she wormed her way out of it by pointing out that everyone is taking vacations right now, so we are going to be down one person every week until January. But by that time, the hiring freeze will start.

I think I need to talk to Big Boss and tell him that if this isn't sorted, I need to transfer. I already know my transfer will be approved because it would be to a store closer to me, which cannot be denied (hardship transfer). I can't take the abuse anymore. Someone threatened to strangle my coworkers and I a month ago, which has me scared every time I see him, and I lost my car to a tornado earlier this year so I've been bumming rides. I've been waiting to get a new car until I'm in my new position. But this just isn't sustainable.

I need help figuring out how to approach him and talk to him about this. I'm very bad at collecting my thoughts and expressing myself coherently. But I'm much better with scripts. Just something to help me get through a conversation.

For what it's worth, I need to stay with the company for insurance. I truly don't have a better option.

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Big boss promised I could move departments and recieve a raise 4 months ago, but direct supervisor is actively sabotaging

I work in grocery and helped out a very small department when hours got cut at the beginning of the year. I ended up being so good at the job that the supervisor insisted I replace her assistant. I feel that the position is perfect for me because I'm autistic and I love this specific kind of work that involves tagging. It's like a constant scavenger hunt mixed with “puzzles”. Whereas my current position is in deli, where the constant interaction with so many people is slowly killing me, along with my terrible supervisor who treats me like dirt. I've been here 3 years now. We've lost most of the people in my department this year and they aren't going to be replaced. If they were, it would have already happened. My mental state is getting worse and worse. I feel myself withering away. In order to move, I'm supposed…

I work in grocery and helped out a very small department when hours got cut at the beginning of the year. I ended up being so good at the job that the supervisor insisted I replace her assistant. I feel that the position is perfect for me because I'm autistic and I love this specific kind of work that involves tagging. It's like a constant scavenger hunt mixed with “puzzles”. Whereas my current position is in deli, where the constant interaction with so many people is slowly killing me, along with my terrible supervisor who treats me like dirt. I've been here 3 years now. We've lost most of the people in my department this year and they aren't going to be replaced. If they were, it would have already happened.

My mental state is getting worse and worse. I feel myself withering away.

In order to move, I'm supposed to be replaced first. I train my replacement, then move departments. Then, the current assistant trains me and gets her promotion in another department. We were both offered these promotions/raises 4 months ago. We've just been waiting on my replacement to finally move the dominoes.

However, I feel that my direct supervisor is sabotaging me. I'm one of the last remaining work horses. I've been around long enough to know how to do everything. She treats me horribly. It wears me down so much. About a month ago I overheard her telling a customer who was interested in my exact position, who had prior experience, that she wasn't hiring anyone. I told Big Boss, and he seemed mad and said I would be on the next schedule regardless if she liked it or not. But I think she wormed her way out of it by pointing out that everyone is taking vacations right now, so we are going to be down one person every week until January. But by that time, the hiring freeze will start.

I think I need to talk to Big Boss and tell him that if this isn't sorted, I need to transfer. I already know my transfer will be approved because it would be to a store closer to me, which cannot be denied (hardship transfer). I can't take the abuse anymore. Someone threatened to strangle my coworkers and I a month ago, which has me scared every time I see him, and I lost my car to a tornado earlier this year so I've been bumming rides. I've been waiting to get a new car until I'm in my new position. But this just isn't sustainable.

I need help figuring out how to approach him and talk to him about this. I'm very bad at collecting my thoughts and expressing myself coherently. But I'm much better with scripts. Just something to help me get through a conversation.

For what it's worth, I need to stay with the company for insurance. I truly don't have a better option.

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