
Work is work, it is not my life

I’m a top performer on my team and help my team members out wherever I can as well as always staying on top of my workload. But my manager views the team as their “social life” and acts like I’m not “getting to know” people enough. Apparently my manager expects me to continuously share details of my personal life and chat with everyone, saying things like it is the “company culture” to do that. But I don’t want to. These people are not my family and this job is not my life. It’s work. Some of the people on my team seem cool, but I’m comfortable to be cordial and help each other out. The extremely outgoing and “I want to be everyone’s friend” person who shares every detail of their life is praised for acting like that. While I have no problem at all with the way they chose…

I’m a top performer on my team and help my team members out wherever I can as well as always staying on top of my workload.

But my manager views the team as their “social life” and acts like I’m not “getting to know” people enough. Apparently my manager expects me to continuously share details of my personal life and chat with everyone, saying things like it is the “company culture” to do that.

But I don’t want to. These people are not my family and this job is not my life. It’s work. Some of the people on my team seem cool, but I’m comfortable to be cordial and help each other out. The extremely outgoing and “I want to be everyone’s friend” person who shares every detail of their life is praised for acting like that. While I have no problem at all with the way they chose to interact, I don’t think I or anyone else should be expected to have that same personality — especially if I’m doing my job exceptionally well by my manager’s own admittance. I’m not closed off or antisocial and am willing to talk or answer questions if someone initiates it. But apparently that is not enough.

I don’t want any negative attention from my manager about it so I’m not sure what to do… should I start making shit up about myself to share? Because that’s about the extent of what I would be willing to do. I feel this is manipulative but I want to stay under the radar and not feel pressure about it.

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