
Boss yelled at me about something I didn’t do and I am now scared of him

Sorry for any mistakes, I am on mobile and I am crying. I need a place to vent. I work as a medical receptionist/medical assistant at a small psychiatric clinic. Before this incident I actually really enjoyed working there. Nobody liked our boss but it seemed like I was the only one who would advocate for him. Today our EMR (computer system we use for charting and taking notes) was down all day. This of course was extremely stressful for all the patients, providers, and staff. We couldn’t check or make appointments or run insurance or copays. Every doctors office near us was closing for the day because of this issue. However our boss forced us to stay open. All the providers and us at the front were slacking the boss saying we can’t do this, we need help, or you need to either close us or be here for…

Sorry for any mistakes, I am on mobile and I am crying. I need a place to vent. I work as a medical receptionist/medical assistant at a small psychiatric clinic. Before this incident I actually really enjoyed working there. Nobody liked our boss but it seemed like I was the only one who would advocate for him. Today our EMR (computer system we use for charting and taking notes) was down all day. This of course was extremely stressful for all the patients, providers, and staff. We couldn’t check or make appointments or run insurance or copays. Every doctors office near us was closing for the day because of this issue. However our boss forced us to stay open. All the providers and us at the front were slacking the boss saying we can’t do this, we need help, or you need to either close us or be here for the day (my boss comes and goes throughout the day, today he was working from home even though he is the office manager).
Now, I go on break at 2:00pm and get back at 2:45pm, a 45 minute break yes? Today because it was so busy and I didn’t realize what time it was, I went on break at 2:04pm, I set my timer for 45 minutes, slack my boss I am leaving for my break (time stamped at 2:04) and leave. I come back at 2:47 from my break and there is my boss.
He starts screaming that I am late and “everyone is waiting for me at the front”. While he is going off on me my timer to end my break goes off. I tried to explain to him that I left for my break late so I got back from it late. He wouldn’t listen and kept yelling. He then says he has me on camera leaving the clinic at 1:58. He then told me to “shut up or go home.”
I return to the front and I am crying at this point, I sent him a screenshot of when I slacked him at 2:04 I was leaving and he just shouted at me when he received the text “don’t try me because you’ll lose.”
The worse part is that he yelled at me in front of the whole clinic, I am the youngest employee there and this boss and I have spoken about in the past that the providers don’t respect me because I am so young. They have treated me in the past as a glorified secretary and now that is all they’ll see me as! I am so hurt by my boss, I really enjoyed working at this clinic but now I feel like I can’t go back. I’ve been crying all day and my sister said I should quit but this job pays so well.
I have been a victim of physical and verbal abuse before. When my boss was screaming at me, it caused panic attack. I’ve been crying all day because of this. My boss left after he yelled at me and a couple providers came out to check on me but I said I was fine and went to cry in the bathroom.
I finished the day out and he slacked me right before I left “a lot of patients today even with the computer issues” no acknowledgment of what he did earlier. I didn’t respond and just left. I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow, I am scared of my boss and I don’t know what to do.

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