
Should I stick it out? Or risk leaving.

I've been a sahm for 8 years (loved every minute of it). I homeschool both of my children, and everyone loved the freedom we have with me not working. Now, I'm lucky enough I don't have to work, but I felt like if I didn't get out there, my degree and work history would turn to crap. Plus we could use the extra money for Christmas and get ahead of our massive gas bill that comes this time of year. I got a WFH job as a Disposition Coordinator at a fairly well-known company. The start pay was $14 an hour. Cool, it's better than the $0 that's been reflecting in ny Bank account for 8 years. I planned on getting an MBA in Project Management, and moving up in this company or using it as a stepping stool for another. However, I don't know if I can make it…

I've been a sahm for 8 years (loved every minute of it). I homeschool both of my children, and everyone loved the freedom we have with me not working. Now, I'm lucky enough I don't have to work, but I felt like if I didn't get out there, my degree and work history would turn to crap. Plus we could use the extra money for Christmas and get ahead of our massive gas bill that comes this time of year.

I got a WFH job as a Disposition Coordinator at a fairly well-known company. The start pay was $14 an hour. Cool, it's better than the $0 that's been reflecting in ny Bank account for 8 years. I planned on getting an MBA in Project Management, and moving up in this company or using it as a stepping stool for another. However, I don't know if I can make it to Friday.

I'm 3 weeks in, and on my 5th day of hire they tell me I'll be working a WHOLE other department in the morning to help out their team, then switching to my job after lunch. Both jobs are FT jobs, that are being squeezed into PT hours. On day 7, with only 2 hours of training for the new helping role I was set free on my own. I somehow found my way and am excelling (per my boss). But I'm having to work both jobs all day to keep them under control, and now I'm starting to get talked to about moving things out faster. Once again PT jobs, wanting FT work shown.

I'm so damn tired, I miss my kids, and most of all I'm upset that even jobs outside of healthcare are this shitty. I wanted this to work. Still do, but the longest people in both departments have only been there 3 years and are only making $0.75 more than I am. I know a dead horse when I see it. I guess what I'm asking, is it to soon to look for another job? Or should I suffer through a while longer and boost my resume some and then move on?

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