
What’s the general consensus on free market socialism here?

I fully understand everyone here is anti-capitalist, and I agree. Capitalism creates two classes of people forced to work together with 2 completely separate goals. If there is one change I think would equalize the world it would be the abolition of capital and income earning private property. Just want to get a feel for where the work angst is coming from and maybe offer an alternative that is hard to talk about in America since discussions about it devolved into “free child care and affordable medicine is socialism!” (spoiler, that's not what socialism is at all) To clarify my term so everyone understands. We live under free market capitalism now. An owner owns the land, building, machinery. They hire employees to work on that land or in that building operating the machines making something that will be sold for a profit. Let's say each worker on average makes $50k…

I fully understand everyone here is anti-capitalist, and I agree. Capitalism creates two classes of people forced to work together with 2 completely separate goals. If there is one change I think would equalize the world it would be the abolition of capital and income earning private property. Just want to get a feel for where the work angst is coming from and maybe offer an alternative that is hard to talk about in America since discussions about it devolved into “free child care and affordable medicine is socialism!” (spoiler, that's not what socialism is at all)

To clarify my term so everyone understands. We live under free market capitalism now. An owner owns the land, building, machinery. They hire employees to work on that land or in that building operating the machines making something that will be sold for a profit. Let's say each worker on average makes $50k a year. But on average each worker produces $200,000 worth of profit. That $200,000 of profit is then distributed to growing business, executive bonuses, dividends to stock holders, stock buy backs that increase the value of the remaining stock making stock holders technically have more value.

Free market socialism would not be all that different, except there wouldn't be an owner and stock holders. All companies would be owned entirely by the employees that work there. The company would run via some form of democracy, whether direct or representative. Pay structure would be much flatter since that $200,000 of profit per employee would be divied up based on the democratically agreed upon way meaning workers would have the power to get more and there wouldn't be an upwards money funnel. There would be less corruption and better quality products since it's easy for one person to see a corner they can cut and $100,000 incentive to do so, but it's harder to convince 100 people to cut corners for only $1,000.

Would equal ownership and the power to vote on who gets paid what and the values of the company you work for be enough to not be “antiwork” or am I completely missing the point? Thanks for letting me post in your sub.

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