
How to not feel guilty for quitting? Or maybe I should feel guilty??

I work two jobs- one is a normal 8-5. The other is a night job that goes from 6pm to who-knows-when most nights. I decided I have no reason to be working two jobs. My day job sustains me, and my night job doesn’t. The night job doesn’t really add any value to my life. It’s custodial. I scrub poop out of toilets and set up chairs. The only reason I’m struggling to just say “hey I quit!” is because I told them I’d stick around for a big winter event that requires “all hands on deck”. A bunch of people just quit, and we’re overall extremely short-staffed. But now that I have this day job, I really have no reason to stick around other than I said I would. They just reaaaally don’t make it worth it. The job itself is gross (cleaning up poop and pee), the hours…

I work two jobs- one is a normal 8-5. The other is a night job that goes from 6pm to who-knows-when most nights. I decided I have no reason to be working two jobs. My day job sustains me, and my night job doesn’t. The night job doesn’t really add any value to my life. It’s custodial. I scrub poop out of toilets and set up chairs. The only reason I’m struggling to just say “hey I quit!” is because I told them I’d stick around for a big winter event that requires “all hands on deck”. A bunch of people just quit, and we’re overall extremely short-staffed. But now that I have this day job, I really have no reason to stick around other than I said I would. They just reaaaally don’t make it worth it. The job itself is gross (cleaning up poop and pee), the hours are inconsistent, the pay is baaaaaad, and my boss is lazy and has no idea how to hire new people. Like there’s absolutely no benefits to staying. Should I suck it up and stick around? Or is it not my problem and my boss can actually be a boss and hire someone else?

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