
Has your company implemented a wage freeze?

My company has been on a wage freeze since the spring. Shockingly, people are complaining, including myself as I missed out on my “yearly” raise. We’ve been told these last few months once we start bringing in revenue from these two big projects, they’ll start doing raises again. Well, we now have that big revenue coming in and just got confirmation that wages will stay frozen until at least the end of Q2 in April. I’m just wondering how many other companies are doing this and how long they last? Anyways, I already started the job hunt two months ago. I’ve had lots of interviews but nothing yet. I should hear back from one place tomorrow so fingers crossed.

My company has been on a wage freeze since the spring. Shockingly, people are complaining, including myself as I missed out on my “yearly” raise. We’ve been told these last few months once we start bringing in revenue from these two big projects, they’ll start doing raises again. Well, we now have that big revenue coming in and just got confirmation that wages will stay frozen until at least the end of Q2 in April.

I’m just wondering how many other companies are doing this and how long they last?

Anyways, I already started the job hunt two months ago. I’ve had lots of interviews but nothing yet. I should hear back from one place tomorrow so fingers crossed.

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