
Can’t help feeling jaded about work “culture”

I’m literally sitting in a company wide town hall and I can’t help feeling jaded about the trend of deifying work that’s been happening. Corporations are taking on an all-encompassing role by creating a false dependency on being in office and in person, and trying to recruit young people who don’t know any better and don’t recognize how much is being taken from them by demonizing work from home. When your primary socialization comes from work, when your sense of “accomplishment” comes from the praise given to those mindlessly obeying the managers demand to be (micromanaged) in person, and when you have no experience with the soul-sucking grind that comes from a life lived in snatched moments between commutes, you are SO much more susceptible to the lie that the only way to succeed and “grow” in your career is to be a drone to these corporations. I’m honestly so…

I’m literally sitting in a company wide town hall and I can’t help feeling jaded about the trend of deifying work that’s been happening. Corporations are taking on an all-encompassing role by creating a false dependency on being in office and in person, and trying to recruit young people who don’t know any better and don’t recognize how much is being taken from them by demonizing work from home. When your primary socialization comes from work, when your sense of “accomplishment” comes from the praise given to those mindlessly obeying the managers demand to be (micromanaged) in person, and when you have no experience with the soul-sucking grind that comes from a life lived in snatched moments between commutes, you are SO much more susceptible to the lie that the only way to succeed and “grow” in your career is to be a drone to these corporations.

I’m honestly so fed up with lonely boomers and newly post-college employees who swallow the shiny rhetoric of desperate companies hook line and sinker and revert the progress made during Covid for the rest of us. And those of us who experienced life before Covid who try to warn others about what’s coming are made out to be “difficult” or “in the way of progress” when we’re the Cassandra’s begging not to be made to waste our lives on work again. It’s a really agonizing trend in the corporate world and I don’t know if this is happening at other companies or just at mine. Not sure where I was going with this but didn’t have anywhere else to vent 🤷

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