
I’m a puppet

I've been at my job a few months. QA Manager for medical device company. I have a year or so of experience as QA Manager. Our company is developing a new device for 4 years now, overseen by my boss, the director of operations. We are a very small company and are insanely understaffed. I've been doing the job of development engineer for our new device while still trying to hold down my daily duties. I'm def out of my comfort zone. I'm insanely stress. The CEO and the business development manager will ask me questions that I just don't know and that I shouldn't know bc its out of my responsibilities. They make snide comments when I can't answer. The ceo is a dick and refuses to talk to my boss. So instead, my boss reports to the business development manager, who then relays all the new product updates…

I've been at my job a few months. QA Manager for medical device company. I have a year or so of experience as QA Manager. Our company is developing a new device for 4 years now, overseen by my boss, the director of operations. We are a very small company and are insanely understaffed. I've been doing the job of development engineer for our new device while still trying to hold down my daily duties. I'm def out of my comfort zone. I'm insanely stress. The CEO and the business development manager will ask me questions that I just don't know and that I shouldn't know bc its out of my responsibilities. They make snide comments when I can't answer. The ceo is a dick and refuses to talk to my boss. So instead, my boss reports to the business development manager, who then relays all the new product updates to ceo. Boss, BD Manager, and I were having a meeting yesterday. He kept singling me put to ask questions. I'd half ass answer them or say “boss can't answer these better than I can”. Them two starting bickering. It went on for an hour. I finally got up to leave bc I was there an hour after I need to be. The business development manager said “you don't need to be her puppet”. I said excuse me? “YOU DONT NEED TO BE HER PUPPET”. Man this boiled my blood. I left. My boss later told me that he lost his shit when I got up to leave. I fucking hate this toxic place. I'm so uncomfortable dealing with this. I've never had a workplace so hostilei literally dont know what to do. .

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