
My work was asking for donations for the Hawaiian fire from employee, and this company makes bank

This was a few months ago, but I think it sucks they would ask their employees to donate when this company makes bank and most of the employees, unless specialized, doesn't pay a living wage. I mean, everyone I work with is basically living pay check to paycheck. Why don't companies donate more fucking money? I just felt it was entitled and unfair. The company didn't even match what their employees donated. It reminds me of the Rock and Oprah asking for donations, yet they are billionaires! I wish I did have the money to donate, but my husband and I are barely making enough to keep us afloat, and most everyone I work with is the same!? I love my job, but I should be paid a lot more! So fuck companies that ask this if their employees, when they should be the ones donating!

This was a few months ago, but I think it sucks they would ask their employees to donate when this company makes bank and most of the employees, unless specialized, doesn't pay a living wage. I mean, everyone I work with is basically living pay check to paycheck. Why don't companies donate more fucking money? I just felt it was entitled and unfair. The company didn't even match what their employees donated. It reminds me of the Rock and Oprah asking for donations, yet they are billionaires! I wish I did have the money to donate, but my husband and I are barely making enough to keep us afloat, and most everyone I work with is the same!? I love my job, but I should be paid a lot more! So fuck companies that ask this if their employees, when they should be the ones donating!

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