
First job in a year fucked me over through incompetent managers

Just venting. I'm in a small town and i've been job hinting for a year. Landed a bar job in the first week of september. I said I could help out if they were short on kitchen staff, but that i was mainly looking for bartender work. Got the job, got the training the same week. Then the bar manager said the kitchen manager would call me for kitchen training shortly. Thing is, front and back of house don't talk. Anyone in restauration nows how much of a pain in the ass that is for employees. So bar manager decided that she'd wait until I had the kitchen training to put me on the schedule so the kitchen could say when they needed me. That put me off a little because i said i'd help out when they were short on kitchen staff, not that I wanted to be on…

Just venting.

I'm in a small town and i've been job hinting for a year. Landed a bar job in the first week of september. I said I could help out if they were short on kitchen staff, but that i was mainly looking for bartender work. Got the job, got the training the same week. Then the bar manager said the kitchen manager would call me for kitchen training shortly.

Thing is, front and back of house don't talk. Anyone in restauration nows how much of a pain in the ass that is for employees. So bar manager decided that she'd wait until I had the kitchen training to put me on the schedule so the kitchen could say when they needed me. That put me off a little because i said i'd help out when they were short on kitchen staff, not that I wanted to be on the kitchen schedule, but okay. Fine.

Fast forward two weeks, kitchen manager still hasn't called, so bar manager puts me on the schedule. Then kitchen manager calls bar manager to say he can train me when i'm scheduled on bar. Instead of saying “they're already on schedule, find another date”, bar manager takes me off the schedule to free me up for the kitchen. Come the day for training, i show up and the kitchen manager isn't there, and no one answers my calls.

Two days ago, my pay didn't come in, so i decide to get annoying. After calling a bunch of different phone numbers, i find out the work load was reduced due to the season so they made a permanent schedule with the current staff, which i'm not on because of the aformentioned fuckery.

So now i'm only going to be on kitchen staff, which I didn't want to be in the first place, and only if the kitchen manager trains me and finds my work adequate. It's still a job, so i'll stay, but if the kitchen manager doesn't do his thing before tuesday, i'll be looking for anoyher job before having even worked a single shift there.

I'm pissed at myself for not having pressed sooner and i'm never trusting another manager to do their job. I knew how managers could be incompetent, but this is next level. I feel like suing their ass even though i know i don't have the money and it wouldn't do me any good in a small town.

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