
Working with a rare disease

Hello. I usually don’t post but this has been weighing on my mind. I’m 34 and have a rare progressive neurological disorder. I also still work full time . I was able to sustain working as this disease arose but part of the disease is poor sleep and I do t think I can take much more mental stress or abuse working . I still live at home . Had the traditional vision of starting a family etc , but the disease changed that course . I carry the bad gene that causes the disease and I would pass it on to any female off spring if I had any. Also don’t know if I would be able to do that in the first place since the disease destroys sexual function. I’m on a trial for it right now with promising hope that it won’t spread to my brain which…

Hello. I usually don’t post but this has been weighing on my mind. I’m 34 and have a rare progressive neurological disorder. I also still work full time . I was able to sustain working as this disease arose but part of the disease is poor sleep and I do t think I can take much more mental stress or abuse working . I still live at home . Had the traditional vision of starting a family etc , but the disease changed that course . I carry the bad gene that causes the disease and I would pass it on to any female off spring if I had any. Also don’t know if I would be able to do that in the first place since the disease destroys sexual function. I’m on a trial for it right now with promising hope that it won’t spread to my brain which accounts for 40% of disease progression and leads to death. It is slowly progressive so this usually doesn’t happen until someone has had the symptoms of the disease for 20-25 years. So there is hope that this med will at least stop me from an early death. However the quality of life is tough. As I said before , no sexual function, but also losing the ability to walk and sleep problems as well as bladder problems (incontinence). Long story short, I just don’t see the point of working anymore . Especially at a stressful job. It is remote which is great but still , the mental toll is hell and I just don’t see the point since my life has changed and I don’t plan on starting a family. I could get disable but it would only be $1000 a month. I still live at home so fit’s not have to pay for any bills other than medical. I just feel at 34 I’m throwing up my hands by quitting this job, but then again the sleep quality issues and just my perspective on life have changed . I just don’t see the point of putting myself though hell at work when I have options. I just wanted some feedback as I’m pondering what to do. Thanks.

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