
I’m expected to work outside of my regular work hours with very minimal compensation. Is my anger justified or am I being unreasonable?

Hi all, I am in need of a bit of advice on what to do… (Backstory: I have been working for this company for around 10 years, left a little while ago in pursuit of another career, but life happened & starting that new career at that time was too much so i decided to go back to my old workplace (In a new role) until i was ready again. The last few years the company has taken a few big hits regarding certain staff leaving and a change in upper management resulting in someone who shouldn't have as much power essentially being handed the reigns.) My employer has asked me to do two consecutive night shifts (11pm – 7am) in the next few weeks. This in itself isn't the issue. My issue is this – I am on a salary wage (Lowest salary in the office) and my “contracted”…

Hi all,

I am in need of a bit of advice on what to do…

(Backstory: I have been working for this company for around 10 years, left a little while ago in pursuit of another career, but life happened & starting that new career at that time was too much so i decided to go back to my old workplace (In a new role) until i was ready again. The last few years the company has taken a few big hits regarding certain staff leaving and a change in upper management resulting in someone who shouldn't have as much power essentially being handed the reigns.)

My employer has asked me to do two consecutive night shifts (11pm – 7am) in the next few weeks. This in itself isn't the issue.

My issue is this – I am on a salary wage (Lowest salary in the office) and my “contracted” hours are between 0630-1500 Mon-Fri. I used quotation marks in “contract” because I haven't signed one after coming back.. I have signed a letter of offer, but no contract and i have been there now for about 12 months again.

Normally, the guys on hourly pay would get paid 1.5x for first 6 hours then 2x time for anything thereafter + stand-down pay the next day. I asked my boss if i would be getting any sort of extra pay or RDO or anything, and their response was “oh here we go…” and i was told i would not be getting any extra money or stand-down pay, but that i could maybe leave an or two early for a few days if they weren't busy. This is because the job blew out and they will lose money on the job if they put two guys on hourly pay on it.

I am fuming.. I am only doing it because the person who would otherwise do it is on leave, and i initially said (hesitantly) yes because part of me assumed i would get some sort of incentive. But “Leave an hour or two for a few days” is bullshit for disrupting my home life & sleep pattern all so the company i work for doesn't lose money.

I really want to tell them to find another schmuck to do it, but i know if i do that and I'm not a “team player” or “company man”, there will be repercussions (Not directly, but subtly like getting all the shit jobs, or my work being handed to another staff member). This isn't the first time that middle management has been expected to “Help out” because jobs don't make enough money.

I was always under the impression the even people who are salary based are entitled to over-time pay if the work wasn't within their regular working hours? I tried looking it up on fairwork, but i can't find anything about it.

Is it a reasonable expectation that i just go and do this? What are my options on what to do other than telling them i refuse to do it?

(I am in Queensland, Australia – added this in regard to laws & regulations that are applicable)

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