
does anyone think my former boss was trolling me?

at my very first job for a manufacturing company i had a very weird boss who would stare at me in silence when i was working,, and stand in the doorway and just stare in silence, but leaving when i looked up he would stay there staring at us working very obviously for a long time or until we looked up he claimed to not know certain laws and customs for employee wellbeing but would say it as if it was a joke and he did know just by the tone, he would talk casually pretty normally most of the time but there was an odd shift i could just feel when he would apparently decide to stare at us and joke about there being no HR because he didn’t know it would be necessary im also pretty sure he lived in the warehouse for many different reasons such as…

at my very first job for a manufacturing company i had a very weird boss who would stare at me in silence when i was working,, and stand in the doorway and just stare in silence, but leaving when i looked up

he would stay there staring at us working very obviously for a long time or until we looked up

he claimed to not know certain laws and customs for employee wellbeing but would say it as if it was a joke and he did know just by the tone, he would talk casually pretty normally most of the time but there was an odd shift i could just feel when he would apparently decide to stare at us and joke about there being no HR because he didn’t know it would be necessary

im also pretty sure he lived in the warehouse for many different reasons such as a cooking oven being there and him having multiple rooms there and getting changed in work hours among other things, and looked extremely young for his age ( he looked about 16 but was probably in his late 20s so older than me )

he would make it very obvious he was older than me by complaining about modernity by referencing things from 10 years ago as new modern things which also seemed like an odd joke

it really creeped me out but i guess id feel more at ease if that was the intention

(throwaway to hide obvious identity)

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