
Update on boss’s over-the-top boss’s day gift.

For those of you who remember my previous post about my coworker wanting us all to “donate” $25 of our hard earned money (there are four employees btw. Myself, two other female employees, and a new guy we hired) so she could get a $100 gift card for our boss. Then taking her out to a rather expensive lunch (which I put my foot down and opted out of. As well as the new employee.) First, it’s worth mentioning that I never even got included in presenting the card to our boss. I put my money into this and my two other coworkers took it upon themselves to present it to her while I was on the phone with a client. (They didn’t include the new guy either. And he also contributed.) I never got a “thank you” from our boss. Not sure if it’s because she didn’t think about…

For those of you who remember my previous post about my coworker wanting us all to “donate” $25 of our hard earned money (there are four employees btw. Myself, two other female employees, and a new guy we hired) so she could get a $100 gift card for our boss. Then taking her out to a rather expensive lunch (which I put my foot down and opted out of. As well as the new employee.)

First, it’s worth mentioning that I never even got included in presenting the card to our boss. I put my money into this and my two other coworkers took it upon themselves to present it to her while I was on the phone with a client. (They didn’t include the new guy either. And he also contributed.) I never got a “thank you” from our boss. Not sure if it’s because she didn’t think about it, or my two coworkers didn’t even bother to mention we all contributed.

My birthday was this week. We usually get a cake of our choice. My boss handed me a smoothie because she “didn’t know” what kind of cake I like. Okay? You could have asked? She didn’t even ask what kind of smoothie I’d like. Then I get a $50 gift card for Doordash. $50 is a nice amount and I appreciated it. But half that will be used on fees and tips. So really I got like…$30. Honestly I don’t even want anything for my birthday from colleagues. But this felt half assed on purpose especially given everything she just got from us for a fake holiday. Including money from me I really didn’t have.

Then I get treated like absolute shit by one of my coworkers for getting into a misunderstanding with a client. (He was barking orders at me like I was his damn dog. And I wasn’t putting up with it.) And instead of defending me, or just staying out of it, my coworker kisses up to him, and makes damn sure to fault me and make me feel guilty. Told me “he’s probably going to leave us now because of this.” She even shut her office door on me so I wouldn’t hear her talking about me to our other coworker.

So that’s three big strikes in my book as to why I just need to absolutely keep 100% to myself at work, and maybe start shopping the job market. I felt nothing but singled out these past couple weeks. I don’t know if it was my refusal to contribute to our boss’s lunch or what. But it’s clear that I’m unappreciated. And I absolutely cannot trust this little clique my two coworkers have going. They try to act like they care about my well being and they want me to trust them more (they’ve actually said this). To hell I am! Do you think I’m stupid or something? Count me way the hell out of your high school level BS.

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