
I have cancer/doing chemotherapy and feel like my boss doesn’t care is that normal in the corporate world?

I work in a large corporation. I'm 100% WFH because of my recent illness. I have a lot of leave but i'm chosing to continue working despite going through chemo and some nasty sides. Ive spoken to my manager about it and he said he will support me but its like deep down he doesn't care? Im the only senior person in my team and he bombards me with complicated work all day. Why dodesnt he even ask me hwo im doing? He just seems to care about KPIs i could litreally be dead in a few years. WTF is this shit? is this normal? i feel so lonely sad and unsupported in my role. I get bombarded with complicataed tasks feel overwhelmed and try and work whilst feeling like shit.

I work in a large corporation. I'm 100% WFH because of my recent illness. I have a lot of leave but i'm chosing to continue working despite going through chemo and some nasty sides. Ive spoken to my manager about it and he said he will support me but its like deep down he doesn't care? Im the only senior person in my team and he bombards me with complicated work all day. Why dodesnt he even ask me hwo im doing? He just seems to care about KPIs i could litreally be dead in a few years. WTF is this shit? is this normal? i feel so lonely sad and unsupported in my role. I get bombarded with complicataed tasks feel overwhelmed and try and work whilst feeling like shit.

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