
Workplace injury and job search anxiety.

Honestly this is a bit of a vent post. Recently I got injured on the job by slipping and falling on some soapy water from a leak that was reported months ago while in non slip shoes. This caused severe leg pain for over a week. (It’s been about 10 days at this point) I got most of the beginning paperwork done but at this point I’m worried if I’ll be able to actually see a doctor for follow ups to diagnose my injury within the appropriate time frame. (I’ve called at least 5 places and mostly just got voicemails) I started going back to work to just try and work through it since I’m so anxious about money at this point but it’s honestly been wearing me down mentally a lot more than I would like to admit. I started talking to a lawyer but honestly I don’t know…

Honestly this is a bit of a vent post.

Recently I got injured on the job by slipping and falling on some soapy water from a leak that was reported months ago while in non slip shoes. This caused severe leg pain for over a week. (It’s been about 10 days at this point) I got most of the beginning paperwork done but at this point I’m worried if I’ll be able to actually see a doctor for follow ups to diagnose my injury within the appropriate time frame. (I’ve called at least 5 places and mostly just got voicemails) I started going back to work to just try and work through it since I’m so anxious about money at this point but it’s honestly been wearing me down mentally a lot more than I would like to admit. I started talking to a lawyer but honestly I don’t know if they can do anything for me at this moment since everything is so new.

On top of that I’ve been applying to a fair amount of places for months now and have been ghosted if not only called back by companies that I later found out are either exploitative in nature if not flat out abusive to their staff. In the meantime my coworkers have been getting better jobs and moving on quickly. I have a few connections that just tell me to hold on and wait at their companies for a reply but it just feels like from my self doubt at least they they’re just lying to me so I don’t bum them out about it.

To be honest I’m not sure if I can even keep working in the industry I want to anymore because of my injury anyway. I haven’t had this hard of a time finding work since I was 16. It’s all just putting me in a really dark place mentally. I both feel unsupported and like I’m failing my family because I’m not able to support them as much as I used to at the moment. At the same time I just feel completely left in the dust by my old coworkers.

Out of mild desperation I finally applied to my partner’s work from their suggestion just for them to tell their boss they might not want to hire me due my injury.. So that’s fun..

The whole thing is just leaving me utterly defeated. I apologize if this isn’t the right place to post this, I’ve just really been needing to blow off some steam and actually air my brain out a little bit.

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