
ChatGPT or similar AI needs to be writing your resume for you

Ok so I saw another post with just a mess of a resume and it got me on this subject but this isn’t exclusive to people who don’t know how to write a resume. In the last 3 years everything you knew about writing a resume went out the window. AI runs the hiring process and is the first line for all medium and large companies. Use what ever you use to write your resume weather it be indeed guided or word from scratch. Then copy and paste that into an AI and ask it to rewrite it for optimization in AI screening. Don’t add any flair. Boarders and fancy stuff to make it personal won’t matter. The only thing that matters anymore is making it AI friendly. Humans will only see a list of people the AI gives them and the information will be formatted into the companies format…

Ok so I saw another post with just a mess of a resume and it got me on this subject but this isn’t exclusive to people who don’t know how to write a resume. In the last 3 years everything you knew about writing a resume went out the window. AI runs the hiring process and is the first line for all medium and large companies.

Use what ever you use to write your resume weather it be indeed guided or word from scratch. Then copy and paste that into an AI and ask it to rewrite it for optimization in AI screening.

Don’t add any flair. Boarders and fancy stuff to make it personal won’t matter. The only thing that matters anymore is making it AI friendly. Humans will only see a list of people the AI gives them and the information will be formatted into the companies format for quick screening.

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