
Did My Supervisor Set Me Up?

(TLDR IN THE COMMENTS)The last full time job was the best/weirdest job I ever had. Ended up getting fired but I'll get to that later. It was an unarmed security job so we sat around doing NOTHING the entire time. We OCCASIONALLY had to give people access to the building, once an hour tops. The supervisor was chill af, it was little to no rules with him tbh. Every single guard used their phones for the entire shift and a few even slept on the job. On girl took it really far though, every day she came to work visibly high on heroin/percs and would nod off for at least half the shift, I over heard her telling the supervisor that she comes to work high and he let it slide. The sleeping went on for 8 months until the higher ups caught her so the supervisor through her under…

(TLDR IN THE COMMENTS)The last full time job was the best/weirdest job I ever had. Ended up getting fired but I'll get to that later. It was an unarmed security job so we sat around doing NOTHING the entire time. We OCCASIONALLY had to give people access to the building, once an hour tops. The supervisor was chill af, it was little to no rules with him tbh.

Every single guard used their phones for the entire shift and a few even slept on the job. On girl took it really far though, every day she came to work visibly high on heroin/percs and would nod off for at least half the shift, I over heard her telling the supervisor that she comes to work high and he let it slide. The sleeping went on for 8 months until the higher ups caught her so the supervisor through her under the bus and fired her.

It's funny because he never got held responsible for creating that lawless work environment, like I said he allowed us to constantly be on our phones too. After a year of doing this he randomly texts me telling me I'm fired. He didn't give a reason at first but then claimed it was due to phone usage. Turns out I was the only person to get fired even though the entire team was and still are allowed to use phones CONSTANTLY. I still feel like there's something more to this, I'm almost certain it was personal.

Ever since I met het him I had a weird vibe about him but idk, maybe I'm reading into it too much.

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