
I was paid $2 AUD an hour at an disability employment company .

I am a 24 M with autism who lives in Australia back in 2019, I worked under a Company disability employment whom , specializes they in making wood products for local winery's ( made things like wooden pallets and wine boxes). I mostly made the pallets with some of the other guys at the back shed). I worked 3 days a week from 8-4 and I got around $140 a fortnight which is like $2.50 AUD an hour. Of course I was a bit taken back at the beginning, and I asked them here and than about getting regular pay, but they would say in a few month or so or we cant cause of COVID. they finally sat me down with one of the higher ups and she said if I speed up to make 10 pallets an hour, ( which mine is about half that ) I can…

I am a 24 M with autism who lives in Australia back in 2019, I worked under a Company disability employment whom , specializes they in making wood products for local winery's ( made things like wooden pallets and wine boxes). I mostly made the pallets with some of the other guys at the back shed). I worked 3 days a week from 8-4 and I got around $140 a fortnight which is like $2.50 AUD an hour.

Of course I was a bit taken back at the beginning, and I asked them here and than about getting regular pay, but they would say in a few month or so or we cant cause of COVID. they finally sat me down with one of the higher ups and she said if I speed up to make 10 pallets an hour, ( which mine is about half that ) I can receive An normal pay . while I don't know what the average number of pallets that most people make an hour, But I'm flabbergasted That you expect me to work twice as hard Just to receive an average salary .

I understand there is a lot more in house support from support workers, but I'm pretty sure that I was taking advantage of by that POS company. I quit at the beginning of 2021 and have done a lot of causal jobs/volunteering in the meantime and have recently applied for TAFE To become a support worker myself.

BTW my current job which is a causal job where I work one day a week, 6-9:30 as a dishwasher. I'm getting paid more, about $100 a week.

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