
TD fired my former GM for having major surgery.

My former (and best I’ve ever worked for) general manager had to undergo brain surgery 7 months ago. They were placed on medical leave with guaranteed job/position security upon recovery. ONE DAY before gm’s return date, they (as well as the rest of the staff) were notified “actually we’re gonna let you go and we’ve already got a replacement with a start date.” Corporate did that person so dirty, its despicable. 1 week after the replacement gm was hired, the top seller (commission based position) and honestly, hardest worker, was laid off. Also with a >24 hour notice. I quit the same day after I heard that news. I’ve never not worked a full 2 week notice, but I could only stomach a 1 week notice. Fuck that corporation. EDIT: By “they (as well as the rest of the staff) were notified-“, I mean that the rest of the staff…

My former (and best I’ve ever worked for) general manager had to undergo brain surgery 7 months ago. They were placed on medical leave with guaranteed job/position security upon recovery. ONE DAY before gm’s return date, they (as well as the rest of the staff) were notified “actually we’re gonna let you go and we’ve already got a replacement with a start date.”
Corporate did that person so dirty, its despicable.
1 week after the replacement gm was hired, the top seller (commission based position) and honestly, hardest worker, was laid off. Also with a >24 hour notice.

I quit the same day after I heard that news. I’ve never not worked a full 2 week notice, but I could only stomach a 1 week notice.

Fuck that corporation.

EDIT: By “they (as well as the rest of the staff) were notified-“, I mean that the rest of the staff had no idea until we were informed directly by gm. Everyone was caught completely off guard.

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