
Manager has started CCing hr

After it was discovered they backtracked on promises at hiring, and coworkers were given loose instruction to not help or give me useful info they are now CCing HR on anything negative. At first they didn't want a papertrails and we're trying to stick to calls only, now it's only emails. I really hate that this isn't my first rodeo, but what frustrates me further is I was purposely isolated (again) and kept out of the loop from supporting my overworked coworkers. Only when I pushed back and caught them red handed checking in with coworkers after said coworkers ignored my emails are they now saying work was available. Last place I was running their systems, when I had applied for the role above mine since I didn't like how they were running things (single person support for 100+ person systems, no safety while doing lifts or electrical). One of…

After it was discovered they backtracked on promises at hiring, and coworkers were given loose instruction to not help or give me useful info they are now CCing HR on anything negative.

At first they didn't want a papertrails and we're trying to stick to calls only, now it's only emails.

I really hate that this isn't my first rodeo, but what frustrates me further is I was purposely isolated (again) and kept out of the loop from supporting my overworked coworkers.

Only when I pushed back and caught them red handed checking in with coworkers after said coworkers ignored my emails are they now saying work was available.

Last place I was running their systems, when I had applied for the role above mine since I didn't like how they were running things (single person support for 100+ person systems, no safety while doing lifts or electrical). One of the program managers yelled out “he's just a sysadmin, hell no”

At the time I was a senior engineer for what I was doing, so the natural next move was that role.

I was stonewalled and blocked from consideration, and given a 1/4 at that place for a lot of hard work during covid with no help.

Now this gig was the opposite and it pissed me off after months of not having info I needed, made me look incompetent. I worked really damn hard this last decade after leaving the military and every single job had shit management in some form or another.

I just want to fix things, and go home, not be toyed with like some sort of twisted play thing for management.

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