
Unlimited PTO and actually using it

I had the best boss – she said we were to take 5 weeks minimum for the year. I was at 4 weeks and was trying to find ways to use it up for the rest of the year. I now have a different manager – the best one is still there, but I have this guy that just seems so corporate and less empathetic and in general, more for the company and less for the employee. I do not like him or respect him. He has often tried to talk over me in 1:1s or he tries to convince me of practices that I am not seeing as helpful or necessary. He is a new manager and I feel so screwed with my career being under him. I had an emergency surgery (nothing I could have foreseen according to the surgeon) 2 weeks ago. I immediately notified my old…

I had the best boss – she said we were to take 5 weeks minimum for the year. I was at 4 weeks and was trying to find ways to use it up for the rest of the year. I now have a different manager – the best one is still there, but I have this guy that just seems so corporate and less empathetic and in general, more for the company and less for the employee. I do not like him or respect him. He has often tried to talk over me in 1:1s or he tries to convince me of practices that I am not seeing as helpful or necessary. He is a new manager and I feel so screwed with my career being under him.

I had an emergency surgery (nothing I could have foreseen according to the surgeon) 2 weeks ago. I immediately notified my old manager and then new manager reached out too. The responses were opposite- good manager asks questions says take care, don’t worry etc and new manager says I’ll check in on your accounts for you and then the next day he asks if I am feeling better? Like, no, just had major surgery and feel awful. I ended up going back to work before I was ready. The doctors said to wait, but my company wouldn’t allow me to use my unlimited PTO. This was medical; therefore FMLA kicks in. I had short term disability insurance, but that takes a while to pay out. My point? My manager was pushing me to come back and I did – and I was miserable. I even told him straight out – STOP asking if I am better. I am not. It was major surgery and my surgeon said to expect 5 weeks of recovery. It did stop his comments.

Fast forward to today. My youngest, 5, had a stomach virus all weekend and needs today at home, he even got sick this morning. I called in sick,told my manager why. Where’s my husband? He has finite PTO and used it all to care for the kids and me while I was in the hospital and recovering.

I felt I had to explain myself to this manager. I worry about job security and I shouldn’t! I have legit reasons for time off. I barely missed anything when I checked back in last week. I hate capitalism and the corporate culture of my job.

I will be there for my child though and if my manager can’t handle it, I guess I’ll just deal with it as it comes. I already know he doesn’t like me.

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