
Worst Job I ever had was at a Zoo

As a teen I worked in a Zoo, and as the new guy they always gave me the shittiest jobs (cleaning toilets, clearing bins, feeding the small critters by getting food from the spider infested storage cabin) One day they put me on toilet duty all day by myself, and this was a big zoo with a lot of toilets. So Im on the other end of the site cleaning the bathroom, and decide to go before heading back. Suddenly my manager comes in and asks if I'm in there and I say yes. Apparently they've been looking for me to wipe the decks and came here last. I got pulled aside an told off for “sleeping in the bathroom” instead of doing my jobs which was bullshit – I was young and protested but not as much as I should have. This was followed up with the second incident.…

As a teen I worked in a Zoo, and as the new guy they always gave me the shittiest jobs (cleaning toilets, clearing bins, feeding the small critters by getting food from the spider infested storage cabin)

One day they put me on toilet duty all day by myself, and this was a big zoo with a lot of toilets. So Im on the other end of the site cleaning the bathroom, and decide to go before heading back. Suddenly my manager comes in and asks if I'm in there and I say yes. Apparently they've been looking for me to wipe the decks and came here last.

I got pulled aside an told off for “sleeping in the bathroom” instead of doing my jobs which was bullshit – I was young and protested but not as much as I should have.

This was followed up with the second incident. Whoever was in charge of shifts was terrible at their job and would constantly book more people than needed. This would result in coming in the morning only to find out I wasn't needed and sent home immediately. Back then I was getting lifts by my parents and they were getting pissed at coming back and forth. A couple of weeks after the bathroom incident, and a day after being sent home again, they told me to ring up and ask if I'm actually needed before coming in this time. I rang them and was told “You know what? Don't bother coming in again. Ever.”
Got a pink slip in the mail… three weeks later.

Not to dox myself but the Zoo eventually collapsed in on itself. The guy who ran it had a litany of domestic incidents, including once kidnapping his son and locking him in his office (This happened on my shift). The big one was a tragedy where no one told a young Zoo assistant that they were starving the Lions for tests and to stay out of their den – she was eaten alive. I wasn't in but my bro was, heard screaming on Zookeepers walkie talkies as they ran around panicking. Poor soul, such an awful thing to happen and no one was held accountable IIRC (Zoo claimed it was her fault).

This led to an investigation where the Zoo was found to have the highest animal mortality rate for a zoo IN THE WORLD. Closed and reopened under new management. Look it up, Dalton Wildlife Zoo, its insane. Dude left for Australia or America and runs another one there I believe.

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