
I snapped

After over 5 years working my ass of for the same company, feeling on the verge of burnout for the majority of it, I snapped yesterday. I haven't been able to stop crying. My sleep has been horrible for the past few weeks because of the stress at work. I have had to cancel plans with friends from how exhausted I am. Work just kept piling up, sometimes being required to work on 6 different projects a day (which in my field means a lot of switching between workflows and systems and rules). Getting more responsibilities for the same pay, constantly getting distracted by people that need things from me. I just can't do it anymore. I called out sick and told them the reason why, I don't know what to do from here

After over 5 years working my ass of for the same company, feeling on the verge of burnout for the majority of it, I snapped yesterday. I haven't been able to stop crying. My sleep has been horrible for the past few weeks because of the stress at work. I have had to cancel plans with friends from how exhausted I am.

Work just kept piling up, sometimes being required to work on 6 different projects a day (which in my field means a lot of switching between workflows and systems and rules). Getting more responsibilities for the same pay, constantly getting distracted by people that need things from me. I just can't do it anymore. I called out sick and told them the reason why, I don't know what to do from here

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