
Promotion got taken away for no reason other than money

I just need to vent because I'm pretty upset and discouraged. About a week or 2 ago I got a promotion at work and started training for it. Friday I get told that the CEO of the company didn't think the new Assistant Manager had enough duties to justify her higher pay, so they gave her my promotion. Before I felt like I was doing really well and growing with the company, but at this point I just want another job if they're going to take promotions away for no good reason. Unfortunately I didn't get anything in writing about the new job position so there's really nothing I can do. Just sucks ass to see how corporate rewards hard work. Remember kids, companies don't give a shit about you!! You are just a number to them.

I just need to vent because I'm pretty upset and discouraged. About a week or 2 ago I got a promotion at work and started training for it. Friday I get told that the CEO of the company didn't think the new Assistant Manager had enough duties to justify her higher pay, so they gave her my promotion. Before I felt like I was doing really well and growing with the company, but at this point I just want another job if they're going to take promotions away for no good reason. Unfortunately I didn't get anything in writing about the new job position so there's really nothing I can do. Just sucks ass to see how corporate rewards hard work. Remember kids, companies don't give a shit about you!! You are just a number to them.

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