
Mandatory lunches might cost me my 1 yearly bonus

Not going to lie, this is more of a rant on my part. My company has been understaffed or at the very least overloading me for the past year since my direct lead left to go to a different position. From October 2022 to January of this year, I was the only person in my department. They brought in one guy for like 2 weeks, but half of 1 week he was flown to corporate for training (which I never had) and then he proceeded to do NOTHING while the work load was shoved onto me. THEN they hired a guy who was an incompetent “alpha male” who went out of his way to be a menace while completely ruining the department– either canceling orders we needed with no rhyme or reason or “cancelling” orders by deleting them from the system but never talking to our vendors, spamming my inbox…

Not going to lie, this is more of a rant on my part. My company has been understaffed or at the very least overloading me for the past year since my direct lead left to go to a different position. From October 2022 to January of this year, I was the only person in my department. They brought in one guy for like 2 weeks, but half of 1 week he was flown to corporate for training (which I never had) and then he proceeded to do NOTHING while the work load was shoved onto me. THEN they hired a guy who was an incompetent “alpha male” who went out of his way to be a menace while completely ruining the department– either canceling orders we needed with no rhyme or reason or “cancelling” orders by deleting them from the system but never talking to our vendors, spamming my inbox with nonsense, and so much more!

After he was fired, I went back to being alone in my department from Mid June until now, and all with the task of finding the fuck ups all by myself! There's only so much time in the day, and it takes me 30-40 minutes just one way to get to my job, so I was often skipping lunch in order to play catch. Well, apparently, that's not allowed! After months of purposely working the full 9 hours I was here every day with meaningful results, I got written up! Here's the kicker: if I get written up twice, I will miss out on the ONE (1) bonus we get every year, as well as be denied for a pay raise (which my pay is not enough for me to afford to live on my own, and my ex made it so that I have no one I CAN room with).

I am thankful for a job that is finally required to offer me a job, but it also baffles me how I'll be punished and potentially fired if my workload is too much for me to take a break (and it'll be a cold day in Hell before I ever work for free for a large company again). I was running the entire purchasing department all alone for most of the last year to the date, and yet all I hear about my efforts is how lazy I must be.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any advise on how to take a step back if need be? I finally have a new department lead, but I have to train HER since apparently corporate didn't give her much training on her week long trip to headquarters either.

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