
How to Draw “Hardlines”?

Very very long story short, new management came in a couple quarters ago, and they have been slowly and consistently eroding all the “perks” and things that made our job great. It's getting to the point where most of the branch is either leaving, or considering it. I really don't want to leave, but I can't keep ceding ground to management, slowly pushing me closer and closer to breaking and leaving. I know a move might be inevitable (it isn't company wide, so most likely a move internally to a different department). But I'd still like to stay in my position for a few years if it is at all possible. Does anyone have any advice or things that have worked for them in standing up for themselves and drawing a hardline that their managers will actually respect. Trying to find a way of professionally telling them “hey, this team…

Very very long story short, new management came in a couple quarters ago, and they have been slowly and consistently eroding all the “perks” and things that made our job great.

It's getting to the point where most of the branch is either leaving, or considering it.

I really don't want to leave, but I can't keep ceding ground to management, slowly pushing me closer and closer to breaking and leaving. I know a move might be inevitable (it isn't company wide, so most likely a move internally to a different department). But I'd still like to stay in my position for a few years if it is at all possible.

Does anyone have any advice or things that have worked for them in standing up for themselves and drawing a hardline that their managers will actually respect. Trying to find a way of professionally telling them “hey, this team will be absolutely fucked without me, but if this continues, I WILL leave” without being overly explicit or aggressive and making things worse for myself in the process.

Appreciate any advice!

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