
Conflicting feelings about resigning

TLDR: Job treats me like shit but I feel guilty leaving on a 2 day notice I work for and agency that sent me to the ER from all of the stress. The office is supposed to have 20+ staff but there are only 10 and I am stuck doing the bulk of the work because of the 10 including myself, 6 are in senior level positions while the remaining 3 are friends with the senior level staff. My schedule is supposed to be 6-2 but most days I’m working until 9 unpaid because if the work isn’t finished all of the blame is placed on me. I can’t afford to lose my job and didn’t have anytime to look for another job because I was extremely burnt out. About 2 months ago my doctor diagnosed with anxiety and depression and advised I take a leave from work. I didn’t…

TLDR: Job treats me like shit but I feel guilty leaving on a 2 day notice

I work for and agency that sent me to the ER from all of the stress. The office is supposed to have 20+ staff but there are only 10 and I am stuck doing the bulk of the work because of the 10 including myself, 6 are in senior level positions while the remaining 3 are friends with the senior level staff. My schedule is supposed to be 6-2 but most days I’m working until 9 unpaid because if the work isn’t finished all of the blame is placed on me. I can’t afford to lose my job and didn’t have anytime to look for another job because I was extremely burnt out. About 2 months ago my doctor diagnosed with anxiety and depression and advised I take a leave from work. I didn’t know this but FMLA covers anxiety so I took 4 weeks off and hoped for the best. My boss texted me the first week with various questions and demanding that I call her to discuss “urgent matters” which resulted in me working/ being on the phone at least 5 hours a day. I called the state labor angency and put a stop to that. I also demanding to be compensated for that time which she did not take well. I told my doctor and was given another 2 weeks of FMLA to get sorted out. Happy to say I am no longer having self harming thoughts and accept an offer at a better company with higher pay! I was scheduled to go back to work yesterday but, I have Covid I can’t go in for 5 days. My new job starts of Thursday and I am petrified of submitting a resignation notice. I should just send a letter and get it over with especially because my manager is actively texting me that I am not that sick and I need to work since I’ve been out for several weeks. I feel like I have an elephant on my chest and can’t breathe out of my nose. A few of my coworkers also texted me to let me know there is a mountain of work that no one acknowledged because I was supposed to come back this week. I am so thankful for my coworker (I’ll call him Kevin) because he is the only one whose tried to help with my work while everyone else was politicking. He is also about of the inner circle but he didn’t ignore his responsibilities like the other do. Apparently, my office managers were going to retaliate and put me on a PIP plan and make me train the new nepo hire before firing me. I am angry and should have more than enough fuel to fire off my resignation letter but I feel like it would be wrong not to give a two week notice. My parents are telling me to send a two week notice while my sister is telling me not to give them the courtesy. Because I caught Covid, I won’t be back to the office at all if I don’t give a notice and I think I want to say final goodbyes to people in the building I’ve gotten to know over the years. I need some honest advice. My morals and parent’s expectations are clouding my judgement. Please help

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