
Unprofessional and rude alcoholics

Honestly I’ve been wanting to quit since day 1 of working with these people. But just got fired via text message at 8:30 pm. Just responded lol ok. The text message read as after our conversation this morning we are terminating your position. Just a tad bit cowardly, rude and unprofessionals. The conversation this morning was me being up front and honest about how unhappy and uncomfortable I was and what could be done to change those circumstances. I have been doing the companies bitch office work and getting buried under all of it. And after a few weeks in made mistakes, minor like a spelling error in an internal note. But my favorite are the “errors” that they point out that only happen because I was following their written instructions. But I was absolutely crucified demeaned and made embarrassed over it. I’m so happy to be away from those…

Honestly I’ve been wanting to quit since day 1 of working with these people. But just got fired via text message at 8:30 pm. Just responded lol ok.
The text message read as after our conversation this morning we are terminating your position. Just a tad bit cowardly, rude and unprofessionals.
The conversation this morning was me being up front and honest about how unhappy and uncomfortable I was and what could be done to change those circumstances. I have been doing the companies bitch office work and getting buried under all of it. And after a few weeks in made mistakes, minor like a spelling error in an internal note. But my favorite are the “errors” that they point out that only happen because I was following their written instructions. But I was absolutely crucified demeaned and made embarrassed over it.
I’m so happy to be away from those hypocritical self righteous people
Oh and pretty sure everyone of them are alcoholic they are either always talking about it, drinking it the office or at the bar after work. There has been more than once that I found a shot glass in the sink at 8 am and the whiskey bottle in the work freezer lower. Oh yeah there was tons of alcohol in the fridge and freezer pick your poison really.
And god were these people self righteous, delusional, two faced hypocrites. They are insurance brokers and think that they are doing the good thing for their clients, individuals, businesses, and Medicare. Yet they are the reason why health insurance is insane in this country because they get a large piece of the pie in commissions. It’s actually made me hate the systems in place even more. And they talk about how good they are and they do everything for the right reasons for their clients but that’s only if you are a “ good client” they’ll either shit talk you or drop you if you aren’t. All they do is preach how good of people they are. Well if you have to tell people you are a good person chances are you are actually a really shitty person.
Which they are.
But ya know it’s perhaps cosmic because a job that I really wanted before this job finally got back to me after months and thinking I didn’t get it.
They left a voicemail on my phone as I was telling them how unhappy I was. So ya know fuck the alcoholics.

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