
My boss is a narcissistic a-hole that is going to attack me me when I put in my notice. Advice on when/how to go about this situation?

(TL;DR) – So my company requires 4 weeks notice to resign, and my boss is genuinely a textbook narcissist. Need advice on navigating this. (Australian context, for reference). I have been 'lucky' enough to be out of my boss' firing line most of the time because I'm a great worker and have probably the highest client satisfaction in my state. In saying that, in the time I have been at the company (about a year) I still have been coerced, manipulated, guilted into various situations and additional responsibilities (more work, taking calls at all hours) through these tactics with his MO of thinly veiled tones of intimidation. I've stayed for as long as I have because I genuinely am passionate about the company's mission but enough is enough. I'm currently actively looking for another job and would be comfortable for maybe a month with 0 income (althought that's obviously not…

(TL;DR) – So my company requires 4 weeks notice to resign, and my boss is genuinely a textbook narcissist. Need advice on navigating this. (Australian context, for reference).

I have been 'lucky' enough to be out of my boss' firing line most of the time because I'm a great worker and have probably the highest client satisfaction in my state. In saying that, in the time I have been at the company (about a year) I still have been coerced, manipulated, guilted into various situations and additional responsibilities (more work, taking calls at all hours) through these tactics with his MO of thinly veiled tones of intimidation.

I've stayed for as long as I have because I genuinely am passionate about the company's mission but enough is enough. I'm currently actively looking for another job and would be comfortable for maybe a month with 0 income (althought that's obviously not ideal). My original plan was to get the new position and then put in my notice then, but it's gotten to the point where my mental health and general day-to-day is just declining.

I don't know when I can secure a new job in this current economy, but I am hopeful it'll be in November, well before the end of the year.

When should I put in my notice? I know that as soon as it happens, the boss will call me (his favoured method of communication, even for things able to be confirmed in a second via text) and lambast the shit out of me and probably just attack me. I am also genuinely concerned about the tension for the 4 weeks period I will need to serve.

What do you think my best play here is? Thank you in advance!

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