
In the future, as people (specifically parents) get older, isn’t there a huge personal risk of living with them in their house if something happens to them?

I have recently first hand witnessed an issue, and I know it may be a unique scenario, but as things progress it could be a huge problem for more people. I have a family member who lived with their parents in their home. The parents passed away and left the home to them, but here is the issue… now they have a home but they cannot afford the upkeep, maintenance, taxes, and other hidden expenses of home ownership. Seeing this kind of makes me wonder if years from now as parents get older (and if their kids are still forced to live with them) what happens in situations like this? It's sad to say, but most people's only chance of home ownership is having a house left to them and/or when their parents pass. I know this may seem like a “bad timing” situation, but it also seems like more…

I have recently first hand witnessed an issue, and I know it may be a unique scenario, but as things progress it could be a huge problem for more people. I have a family member who lived with their parents in their home. The parents passed away and left the home to them, but here is the issue… now they have a home but they cannot afford the upkeep, maintenance, taxes, and other hidden expenses of home ownership. Seeing this kind of makes me wonder if years from now as parents get older (and if their kids are still forced to live with them) what happens in situations like this? It's sad to say, but most people's only chance of home ownership is having a house left to them and/or when their parents pass. I know this may seem like a “bad timing” situation, but it also seems like more than ever people are living at home which increases the real possible risk of this happening more often. I suppose as an alternative you could sell the home, but with the price of rent and trying to purchase something smaller, the odds are still against you. Also, for this to be beneficial you would think you would need a good portion (or all) of the house paid for. With that said, what happens in the future if this continues?

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