
Struggling with Unfair Changes at My Job – Seeking Advice*

Hey fellow Redditors, I'm in a bit of a tough spot and I could really use some advice or just a friendly ear to vent to. I've been with my current employer for over two years, and about 9 months ago, I accepted a new role. However, here's where things took a frustrating turn. When I interviewed for this role, I had no idea about the impending changes within the department. The hiring manager who recruited me left with just a 3-day handover, and a new manager stepped in. Little did I know, this new manager had a history with their one-up manager from a previous company. As a result, they didn't take the time to get to know me or understand the role I was hired to do. Within just 6 weeks of their arrival, my new manager posted a job ad for a position that essentially absorbed my…

Hey fellow Redditors,

I'm in a bit of a tough spot and I could really use some advice or just a friendly ear to vent to. I've been with my current employer for over two years, and about 9 months ago, I accepted a new role. However, here's where things took a frustrating turn.

When I interviewed for this role, I had no idea about the impending changes within the department. The hiring manager who recruited me left with just a 3-day handover, and a new manager stepped in. Little did I know, this new manager had a history with their one-up manager from a previous company. As a result, they didn't take the time to get to know me or understand the role I was hired to do.

Within just 6 weeks of their arrival, my new manager posted a job ad for a position that essentially absorbed my role, adding more responsibility and higher pay. To make matters worse, around 4 months ago, they filled this role and built a team around the new hire.

Now, I've taken a hard look at my job description, and it's shocking. I've calculated that my responsibilities have been reduced by about 75% due to these changes. When I've tried to discuss my concerns with my manager, I get vague answers or responses that seem designed to silence me.

I'm really struggling with this situation. I've been actively searching for a new job, but opportunities are scarce right now. On top of that, my manager's behavior during meetings is unsettling – they consistently recognize others but seem to ignore my contributions.

Has anyone been through something similar? How did you handle it? I'm open to any advice, support, or even just a virtual shoulder to lean on. Thanks for listening.

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