
Go for the Throat

For those of you interviewing or applying for new work. I work in IT, but this pretty much applies everywhere, The opening salary they offer you is BASEMENT. But, it also comes with lies. They will always tell you about bonuses and goals you can achieve to earn more. Those… are 100% bullshit. they KNOW, that if they hook you on that garbage salary they already have you. And you will work your ass off to achieve the goals to make that bonus. Problem is, you make those goals ONCE… They change it all up. They are not in business for you to earn more. They are in business to drain you of your quality of life so 3-5 worthless motherf***ers can make millions. Literally every working man, woman and sadly… child needs to step the F up and start challenging these arrogant assholes and DO NOT accept carrots on…

For those of you interviewing or applying for new work. I work in IT, but this pretty much applies everywhere, The opening salary they offer you is BASEMENT. But, it also comes with lies. They will always tell you about bonuses and goals you can achieve to earn more. Those… are 100% bullshit. they KNOW, that if they hook you on that garbage salary they already have you. And you will work your ass off to achieve the goals to make that bonus. Problem is, you make those goals ONCE… They change it all up. They are not in business for you to earn more. They are in business to drain you of your quality of life so 3-5 worthless motherf***ers can make millions. Literally every working man, woman and sadly… child needs to step the F up and start challenging these arrogant assholes and DO NOT accept carrots on a string. Want me to work OT on a weekend… F you, PAY ME. Oh, your short staffed??? F you … PAY ME. Also… To those trying to enter the IT industry… If you are taking a help desk job at $18/hr. QUIT. You can make more at McDonalds now. 300% less stress.

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