
Companies where you can be happy and respected without a college degree – recommendations for friend

Hi all, looking for some advice for a friend of mine (30F). (Please let me know if there is a better sub for this kind of thing.) She's looking for a job in the retail sphere but is very anxious that she won't find something she can handle. Her family background is “pretty toxic” according to her. She grew up upper middle class, but unfortunately her parents didn't save a college fund for her, so she never got a degree. Now they're close to retirement and she knows they can't keep supporting her, so she's super stressed about what to do. Because of her level of education, she feels stuck in the retail field. She started as a freelance makeup artist, then became a sales associate at a cosmetic store. She says she can get jobs but has trouble keeping them. I think she's had some difficult bosses and such.…

Hi all, looking for some advice for a friend of mine (30F). (Please let me know if there is a better sub for this kind of thing.) She's looking for a job in the retail sphere but is very anxious that she won't find something she can handle.

Her family background is “pretty toxic” according to her. She grew up upper middle class, but unfortunately her parents didn't save a college fund for her, so she never got a degree. Now they're close to retirement and she knows they can't keep supporting her, so she's super stressed about what to do.

Because of her level of education, she feels stuck in the retail field. She started as a freelance makeup artist, then became a sales associate at a cosmetic store. She says she can get jobs but has trouble keeping them. I think she's had some difficult bosses and such. She says she was fired from her last job because she reported someone who was sexually and racially harassing her.

What are some good companies that don't require a college degree, yet are known to be a positive place to work? Things like decent benefits, providing help to employees who need it, non-competitive, not tolerating harassment, low or at least not suspiciously high turnover rates, etc. I understand she's not going to get rich with a HS diploma, but hopefully there's something where she could at least live with roommates and get treated like an actual human being on the job. We live in the NYC area if that matters.

She's my oldest friend, and while we aren't as close as we were as kids, I still really want to help somehow. She told me this situation is “making her life small” which breaks my heart. If anyone has had good jobs/employers, please let me know where you worked and what your experience was. If this is not allowed here then feel free to DM me or suggest another sub.

Thank you in advance!

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