
Written up with no discussion before hand

I'm not sure if this the right place for this but I like the vibe of the page. I've been in the service industry for 20 years, took a break for 3 years after covid and started 2 small home business baking and jewelry. I decided earlier this year to get a little side job at a coffee shop a few days a week. The store is a training store so we often have people come to train as managers for a few weeks before moving on to their permanent location. We've had a new training manager for a few weeks, he seemed ok at first. This past shift he was really getting after me for simple by the book things that no one else at our store really cares about. Like brand packaging and stuff like that since we are a chain (not starbucks). I understood where he was…

I'm not sure if this the right place for this but I like the vibe of the page. I've been in the service industry for 20 years, took a break for 3 years after covid and started 2 small home business baking and jewelry. I decided earlier this year to get a little side job at a coffee shop a few days a week. The store is a training store so we often have people come to train as managers for a few weeks before moving on to their permanent location. We've had a new training manager for a few weeks, he seemed ok at first. This past shift he was really getting after me for simple by the book things that no one else at our store really cares about. Like brand packaging and stuff like that since we are a chain (not starbucks). I understood where he was coming from he's training so he wants to be by the book no big deal to me. Well next shift I come to find out from my assistant GM that the training manager has written me up for telling him “I got it” when I didn't need his help with something and saying “I'm busy” to a coworker that needed my help but she didn't really she is just incompetent. That was the only time I have ever said to a coworker I'm busy, because I was in the middle of a task, but I still did end up completing the task she asked me to. What really grinds my gears here is he said nothing to me about it the entire shift, although I did have a feeling he was watching me and I was right. It wasn't even his shift there was an actual manager on duty who had nothing to say to me and is a chill dude. I'm frustrated because in 20 years working at different places not ever have I heard of someone being written up without discussing it first and being able to explain anything. This was only my second write up ever and my first here, so I regrettably signed it. I am reaching out to my assistant GM again to resolve this situation. I feel it was cowardly of him to write me up, not say anything and have the other manager handle it. I also can't stand that what he said was taken as absolute truth. I hate being back at a chain corporate type place, give me a mom and pop local place any day. Is this normal that he just wrote me up without a discussion? I feel terrible for the people he's actually going to be in charge of. Thanks for reading I know it was long ️.

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