
The time I quit my job after taking full advantage of my employee discount

I was talking with my coworker earlier this week about handling bad work situations and we discussed toxic work environments from past jobs. It reminded me of this incident, and it was also my first step into wanting work reform and ensuring my personal rights as an employee and a human being. About two years ago, I worked in a plus sized clothing store. I was hired on at $10/hr as a pseudo supervisor. They gave me a key to open/close shop, had me handling cash drawers, the vault, and deposits/withdrawals, but didn't give me the title so that they could avoid paying me more. I was struggling to find work due to losing my job at the beginning of COVID, and we really needed the money, so I accepted it as it was. First impressions were generally okay. The manager was alright, smiling and nice. The supervisors were kind…

I was talking with my coworker earlier this week about handling bad work situations and we discussed toxic work environments from past jobs. It reminded me of this incident, and it was also my first step into wanting work reform and ensuring my personal rights as an employee and a human being.

About two years ago, I worked in a plus sized clothing store. I was hired on at $10/hr as a pseudo supervisor. They gave me a key to open/close shop, had me handling cash drawers, the vault, and deposits/withdrawals, but didn't give me the title so that they could avoid paying me more. I was struggling to find work due to losing my job at the beginning of COVID, and we really needed the money, so I accepted it as it was. First impressions were generally okay. The manager was alright, smiling and nice. The supervisors were kind and communicative. The place honestly seemed chill and open and friendly. But I only managed to work here for two months before the incident.

As time went on, I noticed little things that grew into bigger things as they became more comfortable with me there. The manager would talk poorly about her 'subordinates' and how they were teenagers with attitude and laziness issues and no respect for their elders, but then act like the brightest ray of sunshine when they were working a shift with us. Supervisors would pass the responsibility of finding coverage onto the people who couldn't make their shift due to school/illness/whatever. I did my best to try and suggest how to do things for those type of situations where we could easily take care of it, but I hadn't been there long enough to have weight to my opinions and was brushed off.

We had an employee meeting one day where everyone was required to come in on a day off for two hours, and she originally tried to make it unpaid. Myself and another supervisor pointed out that was illegal and that they are required to be compensated for company-related tasks and requirements. She begrudgingly let everyone clock in before the meeting and went through her list of grievances about attendance, attitude, and disrespect. Which, as you can imagine, was great for morale. I mean, no one was allowed to talk while she ranted for the better part of an hour about how tired she is of picking up after everyone and covering for their short comings. She even included how we were trying to undermine her for having everyone clock in beforehand. It was awkward and so incredibly inappropriate and unnecessary. That was about the time I started looking elsewhere for work again, and things escalated from there.

One day, I had made plans with my friends to do an online hang out and put on the calendar that I wouldn't be available on a day I normally open. I did this two weeks in advance and even left a reminder note the night before I would be out. Manager and supervisors acknowledged it on the calendar. I do the thing. I come back on my next scheduled day and the manager is acting extra bright and sunny as I walk in for opening. As soon as I finished clocking in, she put herself uncomfortably close to me and started yelling at me. Asking why I thought it was okay to no call no show, to walk in and smile at her like I'm asking for trouble, how inconsiderate it was of me to not tell anyone, etc etc. I'm stunned, and she's backed me into a corner behind the registers to do this so I have no way to escape. When she finally let me get a word in, I apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Asked her if I could take my paid 15 now so that we could calm down before work started. Luckily she agreed. I am extremely non confrontational and have severe anxiety, so I was crying and shaking at the end of it. Originally I really had planned to take my break and get on with the day. I don't know what inspired me to do this, but I'm glad I did it.

Now, one of the perks of working for this company was getting 50% any clothing in the store. It didn't apply to clearance, but literally everything else I could get at half price. And since I was hoping to start a new job, I really needed some nicer clothes to ensure I looked the part. So I spent my paid 15 grabbing any tops, pants, cardigans, dresses, shoes, and jackets that I knew would fit me. I had about 20 or so items by the time I was done. Brought them over to my manager's register, checked out, and when she handed me my receipt, I handed over my keys and name tag and wished her a good day.

I don't know if she tried to say anything or what, but I rushed out of there like no one's business and sat in my car to cry a little more before I realized how good it felt to do that. And I hadn't done anything wrong. All I did was use my discount while I was still an employee with the company.

She did withhold my last paycheck as revenge, but I think it was only like $90, and trying to reach the HR hotline was a nightmare. I wish I had been more insistent on getting that paycheck at the time, but like I said, I'm not a confrontational person and avoided further action for fear of backlash.

As far as I know, she no longer works there, and last time I was in, only one employee from when I was working there is still present.

TL;DR: Manager trapped me in a corner to berate me the moment I clocked in. I used my break to take full advantage of my employee discount and handed in my keys once I got my receipt.

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