
What’s the best way to handle this?

All day. Every day. A co-worker sits in our bosses office and hysterically laughs and flirts with him. He's married and she is annoying. She doesn't have any talent except wearing inappropriately fancy dresses and kissing up to the “higher ups” so this is what her job basically is. It is so loud and annoying that even headphones don't muffle the constant talking and laughing. It makes the entire office crazy. Me and my other co-workers are wondering what YOU would do? ​

All day. Every day. A co-worker sits in our bosses office and hysterically laughs and flirts with him. He's married and she is annoying. She doesn't have any talent except wearing inappropriately fancy dresses and kissing up to the “higher ups” so this is what her job basically is.

It is so loud and annoying that even headphones don't muffle the constant talking and laughing. It makes the entire office crazy.

Me and my other co-workers are wondering what YOU would do?

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