
EI- Canada (Ontario)

I was dismissed WITH severance in September. I received much more severance than I believed I was entitled to. I consulted with an employment lawyer and they said they often payout severance when you've been fired without cause. I suspect I was fired because a woman in the office didn't like me and complained about me..I personally think she may have lied but I didn't really care. The firing was quick. They told me they are letting me go and that they always try to be “fair” so they are giving me six weeks severance. On my ROE it just says dismissed. No real reason was given for my termination and I'm in Ontario. They are making it sound like I might not be approved and I'm freaking out. In Ontario you are supposed to be approved unless you quit or committed misconduct. I have no write ups or warnings.…

I was dismissed WITH severance in September. I received much more severance than I believed I was entitled to. I consulted with an employment lawyer and they said they often payout severance when you've been fired without cause.

I suspect I was fired because a woman in the office didn't like me and complained about me..I personally think she may have lied but I didn't really care. The firing was quick. They told me they are letting me go and that they always try to be “fair” so they are giving me six weeks severance. On my ROE it just says dismissed.

No real reason was given for my termination and I'm in Ontario. They are making it sound like I might not be approved and I'm freaking out. In Ontario you are supposed to be approved unless you quit or committed misconduct. I have no write ups or warnings. I was just fired after a few months of drama and conflict.

Should I be worried?

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