
Serial Job hoppers – how do you do it?

I made a post yesterday on unpopular about my job hopping. I’ve had 10 jobs in 6 years. 2 in my current industry (IT) and am looking for my 3rd. My post got nuked to oblivion and mods removed it, I think because “it’s not an opinion “ or something like that. So I’ll ask here. I job hop because a better opportunity keeps coming my way, change of pace, or the job currently at , isn’t doing it for me. This city seems to get pricier every single month. I constantly feel like I’m sinking and need more money. Serial Job hoppers – how do you do it? How do you keep getting jobs? What’s your secret? I’m sure you have a method to write your resume in a way that hides your job hopping history? I’ve had ideas of just knocking off the bottom tier jobs, unrelated to…

I made a post yesterday on unpopular about my job hopping. I’ve had 10 jobs in 6 years. 2 in my current industry (IT) and am looking for my 3rd. My post got nuked to oblivion and mods removed it, I think because “it’s not an opinion “ or something like that. So I’ll ask here.

I job hop because a better opportunity keeps coming my way, change of pace, or the job currently at , isn’t doing it for me. This city seems to get pricier every single month. I constantly feel like I’m sinking and need more money.

Serial Job hoppers – how do you do it? How do you keep getting jobs? What’s your secret? I’m sure you have a method to write your resume in a way that hides your job hopping history? I’ve had ideas of just knocking off the bottom tier jobs, unrelated to your career jobs, or straight up being unhonest. What’s your trick?

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