
Part time job time off request, haven’t heard back from employer and agency

Hi Y'all, I have a part time job through an agency, i work for this company part time only (office job not retail job), and i am not their official employee. I have vacation plan soon, i let my agency know a month in advance that i will take time off, and i submitted the request few days ago, they said they will make a time off request with my employer and let me know once it approved. But it has been a few days and i haven't heard back anything yet. Should i be worry about it? At my full time job that i am direct hire and official employee, they let me know immediately if i got approve or not. This is my first time asking days off from my part time job. Any tips for this situation? Thank you.

Hi Y'all,

I have a part time job through an agency, i work for this company part time only (office job not retail job), and i am not their official employee.

I have vacation plan soon, i let my agency know a month in advance that i will take time off, and i submitted the request few days ago, they said they will make a time off request with my employer and let me know once it approved. But it has been a few days and i haven't heard back anything yet. Should i be worry about it? At my full time job that i am direct hire and official employee, they let me know immediately if i got approve or not. This is my first time asking days off from my part time job. Any tips for this situation?

Thank you.

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