
I finally got employed–and I already wish I wasn’t working again

So after literally months of the interview process I finally landed a gig for some entry-level clerical work at a paltry $15 an hour. You wouldn't believe the hoops I had to jump through just to land a spot at a wage that should be the new minimum wage given this shitty economy. I mean, it's definitely not a livable income as I am still stuck living at home but “any income is better than no income”, I guess. Today's employers don't make a job your entire life but rather elevated it as a religion–no hyperbole. In order to retain your employment you have to worship profit and maximum productivity. It is totally Orwellian the monitoring software utilized on my work computer. If I don't press a key or click the mouse within a small length of minutes the software will alert management and then will ask why I am…

So after literally months of the interview process I finally landed a gig for some entry-level clerical work at a paltry $15 an hour. You wouldn't believe the hoops I had to jump through just to land a spot at a wage that should be the new minimum wage given this shitty economy. I mean, it's definitely not a livable income as I am still stuck living at home but “any income is better than no income”, I guess.

Today's employers don't make a job your entire life but rather elevated it as a religion–no hyperbole. In order to retain your employment you have to worship profit and maximum productivity. It is totally Orwellian the monitoring software utilized on my work computer. If I don't press a key or click the mouse within a small length of minutes the software will alert management and then will ask why I am not working. Not to mention that orientation feels like I'm back in college with all the coursework and exams for my company's certification. Bitch, let me just fucking work. You should have figured out that I am extremely competent and possess common sense in the recruiting stage. Why waste each other's time? Besides, you're paying me to waste time. This just goes to show that work is a form of control and not about money-making because this is extremely inefficient. I get it: I'll be a good little robot.

FFS, slaves even had more freedom. I doubt their masters were constantly monitoring them in the fields. How dehumanizing. Let AI do this shit. IDGAF. The only reason why I put up with this ridiculous bullshit is because I need a number to appear in my online checking account in order to send (most of the) said number to bills. This isn't living but enslavement.

Oh, and get this, my job is in healthcare. Look how much business has monetized what should be a basic fundamental right for all humans. It's disgusting.

I think the powers that be know AI will take over all aspects of life and now they're brainstorming what to do with an idle populace instead of blatantly imprisoning us.

And don't get me wrong (and this probably the biggest misconception): I want to work and be productive. I just don't want to be subjugated to superfluous, needless tasks because a small percentage of the entire world's population are on a power trip and refuse to give up this control by shattering this stupid ass system of mercantilism. Aliens aren't visiting us because we have plateaued as a human race due to only existing to make a profit.

I also think the biggest misconception about this sub is that people unfamiliar with this group believe we are just lazy mofos. That is simply not the case as we just want to treat work as a part of our life and not our entire life.

Corporations are dictatorships, oh, and I'm writing this post while I am on the clock. Fuck this world. Get me off this rock.

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